Discount Code & Earnings
Welcome Guys !!
Here are your Discount Codes and Earning tips with Kavacha :
1) WELCOME5 - Every time you can use this code . Just use this code at time of check out and enjoy 5% discount on each and every product . Minimum Purchase amount will be Rs 500 .
2) WELCOMEBACK - On your Second or more order you will get 7% Discount . Use Code WELCOMEBACK .
2) COD10 - Now COD is available on you favorite shoes . Use discount code COD10 while you check out . You need to pay only 10% amount and rest you can pay on delivery .
3) Wild Craft - Get free Wild Craft reusable mask wort Rs 200 . Add product to your cart from below link and use code " Wild Craft " on check out . Minimum Cart value should be Rs. 700
Whenever you purchase any thing from KAVACHA will give you chance to earn . Below are steps to earn .
1) When ever you purchase any thing from our website you will get a special code from our side on your registered Email ID .
2) You can share it with your friends , family or to any one . If that person uses that code for purchasing , he will get 10% discount and you will get Rs 50 in your bank Account .
3) If your code uses 10 times then on 10th transaction you will get Rs 100 in your bank account . Means total money earns on by using your code 10 times is 9*50 = Rs 450 + rs 100 ( on 10th transaction ) = Rs 550
Similarly you will refer more you will earn more . Enjoy your savings with KAVACHA.